At its beginning in 1996, Pricilia:Entertainment published printed stuffs and sound projects. It refocuses solely on music in 1998 and becomes Pricilia:records, a label devoted to the young improvisors scene. The label was run by the french musicians Norman D. Mayer and
Hugo Roussel Jr, providing home-made tapes and CDr and curating the firsts sessions of
Musique pour 30 chaises during the Musique Action festival in Vandœuvre.
This archive site presents the sound projects released during these nine years.
Contact : priciliarecords[at]hugoroussel[dot]com
Various Artists
Arc Lalove
Ego Consumimur
Olivier Queysanne
Repérage Digital
Norman D. Mayer, Hugo Roussel Jr
Rock'n'roll Motherfucker
My Jazzy Child
Un grand coup de lassitude
Clarence Palmer
Stuck in a hedge
Thomas Durcudoy, Ghislaine Hillard
La traversée à l'échelle
Norman D. Mayer, Hugo Roussel Jr
Ultra Queen Monroe
David Hermann
Musique pour ascenseur
Hugo Roussel Jr
Musique pour attentat
Norman D. Mayer
Aloha Pääsylippu
Hugo Roussel Jr
Musique pour sommeil
Thomas Durcudoy, Ghislaine Hillard
Oreille(s) Gauche/Droite
Hugo Roussel Jr / Norman D. Mayer
Sofa / Pollen
David Hermann
Symphonies douteuses
Durcudoy, Perrin, Roussel Jr
Enregistrements directs
Full-lake Kochen